About Britt

I am an author of male on male erotic romance. My favorite books have characters who are strong but vulnerable, so that is what I try to write. I love happily ever afters and believe that, if you try hard enough, you can achieve it.  I love for my characters to have integrity and honor, something I’m afraid we see all too little of in this day and age.

I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing them.

Q and A
Q. How did you get started writing?
A. Honestly? I can’t ever remember not writing. According to my mother, I was born with a crazy imagination and was always creating stories and characters. I even had an imaginary friend named Fritzi, and I would tell my parents stories of the amazing adventures Fritzi and I would have. I was very sad when she moved to Texas, Alabama, and was never heard from again. Lol!

Q. What kind of books do you like to read?
A. I’ll read just about anything except non-fiction. I get enough real life in the newspapers and on television. When I read, I want to dive into a fictional world where anything is possible. And, of course, a happy ending is a requirement.

Q. What time of day do you prefer for writing?
A. Early morning, when I just get up. I grab a cup of coffee, curl up on my couch with my laptop, and get to work. My mind is fresh and ideas just come pouring out. Also, there’s no one else up to bother me or interrupt my train of thought…except for my two dogs and my cat. And they generally keep their comments to a minimum.

Q. Where do your story ideas come from?
A. Believe it or not, I get my best ideas when I’m on the verge of falling asleep. I don’t know why, but my mind just starts coming up with story scenarios and plots as soon as my head hits the pillow. That’s why I keep a notebook and pen beside my bed so that I can jot down the ideas as soon as possible. If I don’t, by the time I wake up, they’re gone. Who knows how many amazing story ideas I’ve lost just because I didn’t have a pen handy.

Q. Do you prefer writing a series or a stand-alone title?
A. Series, definitely. A lot of work goes into creating a fictional world so it seems a waste to just write one book set there and then move on. Also, as a reader, I always liked it when characters from previous books appeared so I could see what was happening in their lives after their happily-ever-after ending. It made them seem more like real people.